A Japanese TV drama "Monster Parents, which was broadcasted in 2008, was popular in Asia countries such as Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and even China.
The Theme Song of the Drama by Tokunaga Hideaki
This video was adapted from the website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRVXvTTaq24
This photo was adapted from the website: http://kumojapandrama.blogspot.hk/2010/05/monster-parent-release-july-08.html
Before encountering the "Monster Parents", she was conceived that everything could be brought to the court for litigation. However, she encountered many challenges when dealing with the "Monster Parents" who were devoted to concern only the welfare of their own children (Barlow, 2009).
This photo was adapted from the website: http://adramaotaku.com/japanese-drama/monster-parent-complete/
She experienced lost and frustration throughout the process, however, she still continue to face this challenge. Ultimately, she discovered the meaning of her life besides wealth, fame as well as success (Barlow, 2009).
Barlow, E. (2009). Monster Parents: Complete. Retrieved 26 October, 2013 from Asian Drama Otaku- Monster Parents, Website: http://adramaotaku.com/japanese-drama/monster-parent-complete/