"Monster parents" with authoritarian parenting styles as well as "Helicopter parents" with permissive parenting styles were more likely to nurture highly narcissistic child who were inclined to manipulate the others and became a proactive aggressor (Leung, 2013).
Their proactive aggressive behaviors were simply beyond harming the victims, on the contrary, their behaviors were deliberately planned (Leung, 2003).
On top of that, kids with proactive aggressions were highly correlated to psychopaths which had a higher possibility to commit homicidal behaviors just like the example of "Monster Police" Tsui Po Ko, who were conceived to have narcissistic personality, killed his colleagues unexpectedly (Leung, 2013).
The above picture was adapted from the website: http://hd.stheadline.com/news_topic/index.asp?id=18
Corporal punishment, adopted by "Monster parents" as one of their child-raising strategies, gave an false impression to their kids that aggressive behaviors were the most effective way to achieve their goals (Leung, 2013).
The picture was adapted from the website: http://babyresearch.blogspot.hk/2012/04/coproral-punishment-of-children.html
In turns, narcissistic Kong kids achieved their instrumental goals such as money and power through the means of proactive aggressions (Leung, 2013).
Leung, M. (2013). Hong Kong kids more narcissistic than Western kids according to CityU study. Retrieved 22, October, 2013, Website: http://wikisites.cityu.edu.hk/sites/newscentre/en/Pages/201304231600.aspx